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St. Jacobs Market Guest House

The guest house is located on a beautiful large property close to the world-renowned Saint Jacobs farmers market, where people from all over the Waterloo region come to shop. All necessary supermarkets, pubs, grocery store,  bus stop, and employment opportunities are within a 15-minute walk.

This house is in partnership with a local group of community members. They are currently waiting for a sponsored refugee family to arrive and while they wait for them to come to Canada they are allowing us to use the house for Ukrainian newcomers in need.

This means we may only have the house for 1 month or we could have it for much more.

Any people entering this house will be supported in finding secondary housing once they leave the house. 

Guest house offers

St. Jacobs Guest House

Capacity: 10 rooms, up to 22 guests.

Accommodation: Free stay including utilities for short-term.


  - Complimentary food (donation-based).

  - Hotel-style rooms.

  - Large backyard.

  - Close to parks, transportation, and markets.

Support Services:

  - Assistance with resume building and job search.

  - General support.

  - On-site English Language Support (ELS).

  - Nearby medical support.

Type: Family house.

Move Furniture

Organize Household Items

Find Additional Donations

Welcome New Guests

Volunteers Urgently Needed to
Families are arriving in the next 2-4 days

Guest house offers

Capacity: 3 bedrooms upstairs, 1 big bedroom in the basement, a kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry and 2 bathrooms: up to 12 guests.

Accommodation: Contact us for the cost which includes settlement and employment support, and utilities.


- Close to employment and grocery stores

- Close to the bus route

Type: Family house.


Specific household items are needed

​The below form show a list of the donations needed at the new house.

This list may take a few days to be updated.

Do not drop off any items before we contact you.

Крок 1.
Для новоприбулих українців


Step 1.
For Ukrainian newcomers


Якщо ви прибули з України по програмі CUAET та потребуєте тимчасове житло,

зробіть Крок 1 - заповніть нашу форму реєстрації (Форма прийому для українських сімей). Тільки після заповнення форми ми з вами звяжемося щодо пошуку необхідного житла.


If you have arrived from Ukraine under the CUAET program and need temporary accommodation, take Step 1 - fill out our registration form (Intake Form for Ukrainian Families). Only after completing the form, we will contact you regarding the search for the necessary accommodation.

Donate Financially as well Furniture

We need financial donations to make sure families get housing even when they can't afford it. We also need furniture donations and household items to make Ukrainians feel more as at home.


We are always looking for people willing to open up their homes to Ukrainians fleeing the war.  Some hosts have a sofa bed and can offer emergency hosting only, others have a spare room and are able to host for longer periods. Complete our application form to speak with a volunteer.


We currently need assistance with coordinating donations, fundraising and ensuring we have enough people to help with the settlement of Ukrainian guests. We believe strongly that in order to ensure these families get off on the right foot they need to feel like they belong.


We are looking for landlords or people able to rent space that understand Ukrainians families will not be able to show a credit history, will most likely not have employment right away, and may not speak English.


This is the general contact form. If you want to sign up for an event please go to the event page. If you want to donate please go to the donate page. If you want to volunteer please go to the volunteer page. If you are Ukrainian and want to sign up for a program go to the Ukrainian page.

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